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sembang-sembang sesame kite

Jumaat, 31 Ogos 2012

Salam kemerdekaan 55

Tak kisahlah apa atau siapa pun kita. Tak kisahlah samada janji ditepati atau janji dimungkiri. Tak kisahlah apa wadah perjuangan kita hari ini. Yang patut dikisahkan, MALAYSIA negara kita. Kalau musnah negara ni, mana kita nak pergi? Teman merujuk kata-kata cikgu sekolah teman dulu, katanya "kalau MALAYSIA huru-hara atau MALAYSIA kita ni didatangkan BALA, orang Cina boleh balik negara China, orang India boleh lari ke India. Kerajaan negara deme, bila-bila masa jer akan menerima mereka kembali. Orang MELAYU nak lari kemana? Indonesia? Mau dikejornyer kita dengan parang. Oleh itu, sedarlah! MALAYSIA ni adalah satu-satunya TANAH TUMPAH DARAH KITA orang MELAYU. Sepatutnya, sambutan kemerdekaan dapat menyatu-padukan kita. Polemik-polemik yang merugikan kita tidak sepatutnya timbul. Hal ini kerana, majoriti datuk moyang kita dulu berjuang menuntun kemerdekaan menggunakan wadah yang sama. Hari ini, kerana wadah yang berbeza, kita berpecah-belah. Perkara sebegini tidak menguntungkan.
 Teman tertanya-tanya, adakah kemerdekaan yang kita telah kecapi selama 55 tahun akan kekal untuk 55 tahun yang akan datang? Bagaimana pula nasib anak cucu kita 55 tahun akan datang jika hari ini bibit perselisihan dan perpecahan semakin ketara? Persoalan ini, teman tinggalkan untuk kalian semua.
Sumber foto: Mr.Razeli
Menyentuh soal, jiwa dan roh merdeka anak-anak muda hari ini masih boleh dipersoalkan. Kami anak-anak muda tidak berada di zaman penjajahan. Maka tidak hairanlah semangat kami tidak sehebat pejuang dahulu. Pendapat teman persepsi sedemikian tidak harus wujud dalam fikiran dan jiwa anak muda. Perjuangan mempertahankan KEMERDEKAAN lebih maha hebat dan lebih maha dahsyat berbanding perjuangan mendapatkan KEMERDEKAAN itu sendiri. Bangunlah, sedarlah wahai anak muda tiang agama, nusa dan bangsa. Tugas kita yang menanti kita lebih hebat dan berat. Generasi terdahulu telah menunaikan janji mereka buat kita. Generasi terdahulu telah melunaskan tanggungjawab mereka kepada kita. Kini, tanggungjawab kita pula untuk menunaikan janji buat generasi akan datang. Bangkitlah anak muda pejuang agama, nusa dan bangsa. MERDEKA, MERDEKA, MERDEKA!!!

Selasa, 28 Ogos 2012

Cikgu Jamil Rashid Ali, insan yang menginsankan insan!

Aidilfitri baru-baru ini, teman dan para pemuda Laneh telah berkesempatan  menziarahi  encik Jamil Rashid Ali (Cikgu) iaitu guru yang pernah menabur budi selama 18 tahun di Sekolah Kebangsaan Laneh. Generasi teman cukup mengenali beliau. Begitulah juga dengan generasi sebelum teman. Beliau terkenal dengan ketegasan dan kesungguhan beliau dalam mendidik kami. Sehingga banyak diantara kami (anak-anak muridnya) menjadi  "orang". Keprihatinan beliau memang tidak ada tolok-bandingnya. teman masih ingat bagaimana beliau setiap hari menjemput Allayarham Sudin yang enggan bersekolah. Beliau turut membelikan kelengkapan persekolahan untuk Allayraham yang pada ketika itu bakal menduduki peperiksaan UPSR. Kami bukan sahaja diajar malah turut dididik oleh beliau. Berani teman katakan bahawa beliaulah antara guru terbaik yang pernah ada di sekolah tersebut. Kata-kata dan ucapan beliau menjadi hikmat buat kami. Beliau banyak mencorak pemikiran dan budaya murni dalam diri kami. Sebagai seorang guru kini, Teman sendiri pun banyak mengikut perwatakan beliau dalam mendidik anak-anak murid teman. Rumah beliau terletak  di Padang Rengas. Sebelum pergi, teman telah diberitahu bahawa cikgu dalam keadaan tidak sihat. Teman pun sudah lama tidak bertemu dengan cikgu. Seingat teman, kali terakhir teman bertemu beliau ialah pada tahun 2004 iaitu sebulan  sebelum teman menjejakkan kaki ke universiti. waktu itu, beliau sihat dan kelihatan ceria.

Tidak bertemu beliau selama hampir 7 tahun adalah satu tempoh yang panjang, berada di luar kawasan membataskan teman. Teman banyak mendengar berita mengenai cikgu daripada orang tua teman yang sering bertemu beliau. Menurut orang tua teman, cikgu Jamil mengalami masalah penglihatan. Sebaik sahaja teman dan kawan-kawan tiba di rumah beliau, teman sangat terkejut melihat keadaan beliau. Selain muka cikgu yang kelihatan cengkung, jalannya pula terpaksa dipimpin. Penglihatan beliau kabur. Sebak dada teman melihat keadaan beliau sedemikian. Hanya Allah yang tahu. Teman benar-benar tidak menyangka bahawa insan yang telah menginsankan ribuan insan menderita sakit sedemikian rupa. Ya Allah, Tabahkanlah hati beliau dan keluarga!

Namun demikian, ingatan beliau terhadap kami anak-anak muridnya tidak pernah padam. Sewaktu bersalam, beliau masih mampu mengingati nama-nama kami semua serta turut mengetahui perkembangan kami. Teman benar-benar terharu. Walaupun telah sekian lama meninggalkan sekolah, beliau masih peduli dengan kami. Tapi kami? Teman benar-benar insaf.
Mendengar cerita kesakitan yang beliau alami sangat memilukan. Beliau turut mengalami masalah jantung dan diabetis. Pergerakan beliau terbatas. Sungguhpun demikian, beliau tetap bersemangat untuk meneruskan khidmat sebagai seorang guru di SK (P) Padang Rengas. Kata beliau, "selagi mampu, saya akan terus mengajar". Kata-kata beliau membuatkan teman tersentak. Teman membandingkan situasi kini yang mana banyak dari kalangan guru yang mudah giveup dengan tugas dan amanah yang diberikan.
Marilah kita sama-sama berdoa agar beliau diberikan semula nikmat kesihatan dan semoga Allah menguatkan hati beliau menghadapi ujian ini. Amin!
foto : Mr Pian Laneh

Orang Muda Beraya Sakan!

Sumber foto : Mr.iqbal   keba, Mr.pian Laneh, Mr.firdaus Yasin, Mr Zaim

Sabtu, 4 Ogos 2012

Rentetan SejaraH Tertulis Dalam Lirik ni....

Soldier Of Allah-1924-

The truth about the state
It wasn’t always like this
Let us look back in time
History reminds us
One army
One land

One central authority
Crushing the romans
persians put in fear
The Ummah like a Lion
No need to shed a tear

When the village was attacked by the kufar
The Khalife heard
The sister cry &
Prepared for war
Attacking the city

Destroying it
from existence
Lesson # 1
Don’t ever
Mess with Muslims

The Imam of the Ummah is a shield where he protects the Ummah and where the Ummah fights behind him
Where is this shield today to protect the Ummah?? What happen to this shield to honor and dignify the Ummah???
In 1917 Prime Minister of britain after entering Jerusalem stated “the crusade war has ended”
In the same year the french general, goro went to the grave of Salahudeen-Ayubi
Salahudeen-Ayubi, the one who 730 years prier crushed the crusades and liberated Palestine & Syria
he went to his grave in Damascus and kicked it and said wake up oh Salahudeen we hare here �
How did they do this
to you and me
We turn on the TV
and all we see
is a world full of casualties
a generation in agony
our Ummah is in misery
let us go back
to beginning of the century
and review our history

from one side
to the other side of the globe
the system of Islam
Ruled over the world
They went to the Muslims
for the all their solutions
from mathematics to biology
to the advancements in technology

the kafir women
use to imitate our women
they wanted the same respect
that the Muslims sisters were given while the enemies of Islam
were trying to twist the Quran
trying to write a Surah like Allah’s they all failed miserably
& many of them responded with Ashhadu -an la Ilaha Ilallah wa Ashhadu- anna Muhammadun rasullullah
Allah has challenged the humanity until the day of judgment to produce a Sura or an Aya like the Quran
And Allah assures that they will never be able to make an Aya like it
The kufar plan and work to destroy this Deen and Allah affirms that we too are planning
and if all the people of the world got together they still could not and will never be able to put even a scratch a side of a muster seeds on the throne of almighty Allah (SWT)

After failing on the battlefield
they kufar got together
and they decided to yield
they said we must change
the way the Muslims think
and sure enough

the Muslim Ummah
began to sink
In 1917 john belford
promised Palestine
to the jews 31 years later
his promise went through

brittan and france
split the Muslim lands
3 years later
Islam worst traitor
mustafa kamal
Brought the states fall

In 1920′s mustafah kammal with the help of the british becomes the hero
Hmm well this so-called hero cancels the authority of the most powerful system suitable for human beings
The khilafah!!!
he abandon all the rulings of Allahâ he did not stop there
He abanded the Adan in Arabic, he denied Muslim sister from obeying Allah (SWT) by abandoning the Hijab
All Islamic calendars and holidays were canceled
Yes brothers and sisters
he changes the Arabic alphabet to Latin
By doing so he made sure the next generation will be lost and have no connection to their Islamic roots
as they can not read or write all the Islamic culture that was recorded
This Islamic system sent by the Creator of alameen went from the application in life to be in museums for people to go and see in turkey

In 1924
Our state was demolished
Hundred years of planning And their plans were accomplished
Kafirs broke our bond
Contaminated our knowledge
Better listen up
because you won’t learn this in college

Beginning of the end
and the divisions began
Step by step
they divided our lands
in 1921 saudi arabia & iran
next year egypt &
In 32 iraq

In 1945
jordan indonesia
Lebonen & syria
Two years later
The division of India
the Muslims took a stand
and demanded
the ruling of Islam
so they gave them pakistan
but it was only an illusion
a false resolution
far from the solution
In 1948
The Jews establish their israeli state

In 1901 the kufar went to Sultan Abdull Hamid the II and offered to pay tremendous amount of money to the Islamic State for Palestine. Sultan Abdull Hamid the II replied:
I am not going to give one inch of Palestine to the jews as Palestine is not mine give but it belongs to the Ummah and Ummah have shed blood to defend this land but if one day the Islamic State falls apart then you can have Palestine for free but as long as I am alive I would rather have my flesh be cut up then cut out Palestine from the Muslim land I will not allow any carving up while we are alive!!!!!

In 1960′s
somolia & nigaria
kuwait & algeria
In 1964 Came the PLO
yasar arafat
The us scarecrow
a great declined
In 1969
When the west was training Muslims scholars for hire
Jews were setting
Al-Aqsa mosque on fire!

Let us recall 1970
For those who don’t remember
That was the year
That we had black September

The king of jorden
& yaser arafat
Began their plot
Shot after shot
Muslim blood spilled
As innocent Muslims were killed
Communism attacked
but Muslims fought back

The sincere Mujahideen of Afghanistan fought and pushed back the Russians
and then They started to fight among themselves
Khomaine became in power with the promise of ruling and raising the Ummah to a level of dignity
But his promise never went through
soon after iran and iraq went to war
And millions of innocent Muslims died for 10 years Muslims killing Muslims
Over what!!!??? What else!!! the agenda of the west!!!Śat the end there were no resolution
Today iran is very much open to democracy and reformation
and the Muslims in iraq continue to sufferâ
SubhanAllah!. where is the Amir of the Ummah??!!!!

Another decade gone
But we still don’t have Islam
Take a look at the gulf
And the killings of sadam
Over million Muslims died
But no one answered their cries
In the 1990′s
The Muslim genocide

Bring back Islam!
Bring back Islam!
Bring back Islam!
Bring back Islam!

It’s year 2000
And nothing has changed
Past generation has aged
Let us write the next page
It’s time for us to change
It’s up to you & me
Either we make history
or we become history

Jumaat, 3 Ogos 2012

Assalamualaikum W.B.T...

 Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang maksudnya:" Sedekah yang paling utama adalah sedekah pada bulan Ramadhan.” Riwayat at- Tirmidzi

 Oleh itu, buat saudara-saudari serta para sahabat yang ingin menderma bagi tujuan Majlis Berbuka Puasa anjuran BELIA KAMPUNG LANEH, di MASJID RAOFIAH KG LANEH, bolehlah memberi sumbangan melalui akaun yang berikut :
 0814-0079572-52-4 (CIMB BANK)


Ayor yang sedap. Rase ler!

Ayor yang sedap. Rase ler!

Kerepek yang ENAK!

Kerepek yang ENAK!